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또는 구글 번역기를 사용하셔도 됩니다.


0) What is your name, sir? My name is Thomas Chung

1) Are you Korean or American, sir? I'm a Korean American with U.S. Citizenship.

2) Where were you born, sir? I was born in Seoul, Korea.

3) How old are you, sir? I think you can guess it from my username.

4) Are you married, sir? Yes, I’m married to a lovely Singaporean wife, and we have two kids. One daughter and one son.

5) Where do you live, sir? I live in Southern California. A small town about 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

6) When did you move to U.S., sir? My parents moved to U.S. about 36 years ago when I was young, but then they went back to Korea a few years later. I've been living in Southern California ever since.

7) What do you do for a living, sir? I work at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), which is a research and development center by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and operated by the Caltech (California Institute of Technology). JPL is located in Pasadena, California.

8) How long have you been working there, sir? For about 26 years.

9) Are you working from Home, sir? That's correct. I've been working from Home ever since the COVID.

10) Which applications are you currently using for AI Photos, sir? Well, I've tried many different Apps for last two weeks. I've narrowed it down to one App. It's called Runway ML (Machine Learning). You can visit https://runwayml.com/ for more information. I still use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom to restore, touch up old photos and QuickTime or Adobe Premiere to edit a short video.

11) Why are you doing this project, sir? It feels good when I look at people smiling. Above all, I feel even better when I see Grandfather or Grandmother smile.

12) How many hours do you spend for this project, sir? It has become my new hobby, and I now spend an average of 2 to 3 hours a day on it after work.

About My Hobby